Most of us think that we should wait until our child has all of their baby teeth, then its time to visit the dentist. But the first dental visit is not just about the teeth, its about the gums, lips and the inside of the mouth as well as any teeth present. So when any one visits the dentist it is about checking the entire mouth.
As a general rule from 18months on children should start visiting the dentist on a regular basis (every 6 months).
The earlier your child visits the dentist the better.
Prevention is always better than cure and early dental visits will help prevent problems and help protect your child teeth from decay.
Your child may find visiting the dentist an unusual experience only because it is new and they don’t know what is going on. If they fuss or cry don’t worry the dental team are trained to make sure you child is comfortable during their exam. Dr Mendelsohn has two young children so he is very experienced with dealing with children and he is great at helping them have a fun and memorable first visit.
As a parent you need to remember that you play a big role in your child’s experience at the dentist being positive and enjoyable. It is really important to always use positive and child friendly terms when talking about the dentist and the dental appointment. Please don’t ever use the dentist as a punishment or a threat this will make them scared and fearful of what a dentist does.
There are many childrens books on visiting the dentist, it might be a good idea to read some. Here is a list of some good ones
- The Bernstain Bears visit the dentist By Stan Berenstain
- Dentist trip -Peppa pig by lady bird
- Curious George Visits the Dentist By H.A. Rey