HBF Preferred Provider

HBF 3 - mendelsohn dental

HBF Preferred Provider

Mendelsohn Dental on Royal is a Registered Provider with HBF. (This means we are a Preferred Provider)

Being a HBF Preferred provider means that you receive a fully covered Scale and Clean per member per calendar year.  For all other Dental services you can receive up to 90% cover (depending of the level of your essentials cover). The fact that we are a HBF preferred provider means that you get the maximum rebate possible with your health cover.


We treat patients of all ages and we offer a large range of services making Mendelsohn Dental on Royal convenient for all this families dental needs.  We have recently implemented a special Children’s Clinic on Monday and Saturdays. (Although children can attend on any day that is convenient for you.) 


HBF Children’s Clinic

Children attending our Monday and Saturday Childrens Clinics who have HBF essentials cover will receive GAP free General Dental treatment.  This includes Examinations, Clean and scale, Fluoride treatment, X-rays (if necessary), Fisher seals and White fillings.


The Children will also receive Brushing education and demonstrations and a take-home kit to continue looking after their teeth and dental health. We encourage parents to bring their children in every six months to make sure they are taking care of their teeth and to help prevent cavities from developing.


Our Special GAP FREE HBF Children’s clinics are run Monday 9.30-7.00 and Saturday 9.00-4.00.

To Book in an appointment give us a call on 9225 6564 or book online at www.MendelsohnDental.com.au


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We are Preferred providers for the following health funds

AHM- mendelsohn dental
HCF- mendelsohn dental
MBF - mendelsohn dental
BUPA- mendelsohn dental
GMF- mendelsohn dental