Dental Health Week at Mendelsohn Dental on Royal
August 1st – 7th
Dental Health Week, is the Australian Dental Association’s (ADA) major annual oral health promotion event. Its aim is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health in every aspect of their lives.
This year Dental Health Week, is focusing on the significant way that hormones can play havoc with a woman’s oral health, an especially important topic in light of a recent study that revealed that many women are unaware of the significant impact that various life stages have on the health of their teeth and gums.
The ADA is focusing on 4 key areas within Woman’s oral health and they are
- Brushing-Keeping your teeth clean and healthy
- Flossing-why it’s essential for your oral health
- Gum disease-don’t ignore bleeding gums
- Pregnancy-separating fact from fiction
I will summarise each of these areas but for more information simply check out the ADA website
Brushing-Keeping your teeth clean and healthy
How you brush your teeth matters a great deal. You should be brushing for 2 minutes morning and night, spending roughly 30 seconds on each quadrant. It is best to use a soft bristles brush both manual and electric are good as long as you use them.
Flossing-why it’s essential for your oral health
An interesting fact is that nearly half the surface of your teeth lies between them! So if you’re solely relying on brushing you’re not cleaning a large portion of your teeth. Make flossing part of your everyday routine. For m
ore information on flossing have a look at a previous blog
Gum disease-don’t ignore bleeding gums
Bleeding is usually a sign that something is not right, yet lots of us ignore it when it’s our gums??? Bleeding gums are a sign that your gums are inflamed due to disease causing bacteria. Ignoring bleeding when you floss or brush means you stand a greater risk of developing gum disease.
In addition to plaque (which is the main cause of gum disease) gums disease can also be affected by smoking, genetic predisposition, diabetes, stress poor nutrition and hormone fluctuations such as those experienced during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation and menopause.
There are two main stages of gum disease
- Gingivitis is the early stages of gum disease when dental plaque, the bacterial film that covers the surface of your mouth builds up on your teeth particularly where the gums meet the tooth. Gingivitis can be reversed with regular brushing and flossing and regular visits to your dentist for a clean.
- Periodontitis, this occurs when you ignore the bleeding caused by gingivitis. The reason this is so much more serious is that it causes the gums to pull away from your teeth forming pockets where infection can occur. This infection then leads to a breakdown in bone and tissue that hold your teeth in place, which in severe cases leads to the removal of teeth,
Pregnancy-separating fact from fiction
Hormonal changes during pregnancy impact your oral health. To keep it really simple you should visit your dentist when you find out you are pregnant. Maintain regular brushing and flossing and a well-balanced diet, which will be good for you and the baby. For more info check out the blog below
Your dental health plays a large role in your overall health and you need to remember that as your body changes with different stages of life your oral health will also change.
To book an appointment give us a call of 9225 6564 or book online at
Heidi Mendelsohn
Practice Manager